I am fascinated by the beauty of the Adirondack mountains and waters.
Originally growing up in the Albany area, I have been lucky enough to call Keene Valley home with my family since 2012. To spend time in a place, to see it day after day, season after season, one develops a relationship to the place, like a friend. I am continually interested by the play of light, color and mood across the landscapes that I move through.
My evolution of working with wood in an artistic way began due to an abundance of scrap pieces from our fixer-upper, project house. I am drawn to upcycling in a way that reclaims what was heading to the garbage or the stove, and creates a new purpose for the material.
Weathered farm fencing, barn boards or house renovation scraps. Experimenting with various ways they can come together to create a wood canvas. Each time, I hope that the living quality of the wood itself can be brought forward to enliven the pieces, with it's own nuanced patterns, texture and patina.
Past and present work can be viewed through my Instagram account (@bjohnsonartwithwood).
Email becky@trustytrout.com